The Long-Term Impact of Let Me Run
March 21, 2023 by Let Me Run National
Nicole shares how Let Me Run benefitted her son, and why it still matters
We recently chatted with Nicole about her son’s experience in Let Me Run. Now in 8th grade, Steven participated in Let Me Run when he was in 4th grade. We wanted to get her take on how the Let Me Run program helped Steven and if there was a lasting impact (spoiler alert: she thinks so!). Read our chat with Nicole to learn more.
Let Me Run: How did Steven get involved with Let Me Run?
Nicole: Steven got involved with Let Me Run as a fourth grader in the greater Seattle area. We heard about the program from one of the parents on his basketball team at our neighborhood elementary school. Steven was already part of a social skills group when we first heard about Let Me Run. We gave him the choice to continue the weekly group or try Let Me Run since the lesson components were similar. Steven has always gravitated towards anything physical or sports related. Let Me Run seemed like it would be a good fit for him, and that’s the program he chose. Giving him the opportunity to participate in Let Me Run was the logical next step.
Let Me Run: What was Steven’s favorite part of Let Me Run?
Nicole: Since he’s always been an active kid, my son’s favorite part of the program was all of the running. How exciting it was to see Steven progress physically through the program but also socially and emotionally. Running provided the outlet to burn off steam, so to speak. It provided a physical barrier to shatter and work through. I may or may not have cried watching him burst through the finish line at his first 5K through Let Me Run.
Let Me Run: As a parent or guardian, why is the mission of Let Me Run meaningful to you? What do you feel is the most impactful part of the program?
Nicole: To this day I greatly appreciate the way Let Me Run provided a physical outlet for Steven to burn off all that extra energy. However, the social/emotion component of the program was just as important. It made a positive difference in his life, and in our family’s life. As a parent, the mission of Let Me Run matters because boys matter. I am a girl mom and a boy mom so I feel that I earned the right to have that opinion. Historically, girls received the short end of the stick (and often still do). Yet boys still matter and can’t be left behind. Every child matters. To paraphrase the mission statement of Let Me Run, this wellness program is actively building the next generation by teaching boys a new way of doing things so that they can be fueled not by toxic masculinity but by being their very best selves.
Let Me Run: How do you expect Let Me Run to benefit Steven in the future?
Nicole: I expect Let Me Run to benefit Steven in the future because the program helped fill Steven’s toolbox with skills needed to thrive physically, emotionally and socially. Beyond that, the joy of running is very much still part of his life. My son was made to run. This amazing program pushed him beyond what he thought he could do. We are still seeing the benefits. Steven is an amazing kid. I’m glad he’s my son and I enjoy spending time with him now that he’s a teenager. I thought the teen years would be filled to the brim with drama, but it’s been a joy. In addition, the physical training helped Steven become a strong middle school athlete. I saw this last fall on the football field. I’m looking forward to seeing him run again this spring when he takes part in track season.
Let Me Run: Would you recommend Let Me Run to other boys and their parents? If so, why?
Nicole: I highly recommend Let Me Run to other boys and their parents. Even if your son isn’t a runner, or even an active kid, the lessons taught in the Let Me Run program are phenomenal and are necessary for all boys. Non-athletes would benefit from the physical component as they will learn to train their bodies and marvel at what they can achieve.
Let Me Run: How has your son been involved in his community?
Nicole: Steven hasn’t had as much of an opportunity to serve the community as we would have liked since we care for his grandmother who has Alzheimer’s. There’s only so many hours in the week. But he is patient with her, and sensitive to her needs. From time to time, Steven and one of his sisters set up and tear down chairs and tables for events at his grandparent’s church. The kids helped their grandfather and a father-son team shovel the church parking lot after a now storm. Steven attends youth group at our church.