Kentucky Principal goes the distance to support his Let Me Run teams
May 23, 2018 by Let Me Run National
“Let Me Run has rejuvenated my career. I have been a Principal for 18 years, and bringing LMR to my school has blown a fresh wind under my sails. We were the second LMR site in Kentucky, and LMR immediately made a mark on me and my school,” says Anthony Mazzei, Principal of Campbell Ridge Elementary School in Alexandria, Kentucky.
In addition to being a Principal and Let Me Run Coach, Anthony is also the father of two 13-year-old twins. Seeing the social and emotional pressures his sons and students face in school, Anthony says, “the success of our boys is very important to me. I see the pressures they face, often silently, sometimes violently, and I know that we have to be there for them.”
An avid runner and marathoner, Anthony saw the chance to join the Let Me Run Charity Runner team as an opportunity to run the TCS New York City Marathon and support Let Me Run at the same time. He also plans to take this opportunity to “model goal-setting, hard work, health, and service to my school community, my teachers, and my students.”
In his experience coaching Let Me Run, Anthony has witnessed many transformations in the boys over the course of the seven-week season. “I’ve seen boys come out of their shells and begin to let their inner selves be seen. I’ve seen boys become a part of a team for the first time. I’ve seen a compulsive stealer completely stop stealing. I’ve seen a violent, angry, outsider become part of a team and a school. I’ve seen a loner begin to develop relationships with adults and peers. I’ve seen a quiet boy begin running and pull his dad along with him.”
As a three-time coach, Anthony’s hope for his LMR teams are, “Health, in all aspects. Growth. Pride. Accomplishment. I just want our boys to be healthy and to grow to be whole men.”
In addition to his goals of crossing the 2018 TCS New York City Marathon finish line on November 4th, and raising $5,000 for Let Me Run during his training, Anthony also aspires to spread the message and bring more LMR teams to Northern Kentucky. To support Anthony in his training and fundraising, visit his Crowdrise page.